Salary from 12,20 zł /h.
Workplace: Poland, Rzepin
reception and delivery of goods to the warehouse and from the warehouse, preparation of the goods for departure, inspection of the fabric in terms of quality and color, as well as warehousing on racks, compliance with safety rules.
ability to use simple working tools, ability to work in a team, courtesy. Visa desirable.
three shifts of 8 hours each, from 6 to 14, from 14 to 22 and from 8 to 16. It is possible to work overtime and 2 Saturdays a month. Sunday is the day off.
the hourly rate is 12.20 PLN net for 168 hours of work. For overtime hours and work on Saturday + 50% of the hourly rate, ie 18.30 zł per hour net + attendance fees (up to 400 zł). The monthly income is up to 3500 PLN net.
About Housing
provided apartment with all amenities, equipped kitchen, bathroom; is the Internet. The room has 2-4 persons. Cost – 360 PLN per month.
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Attendance premiums: 1 month = 100 zl; 2 months = 200 zł; 3 month = 300 zł; 4 months onwards = 400 zl.