Salary from 13 zł /h.
Visa, Biometrics, for Belarusians, for CIS citizens, For Women, For Men, for Russians, for Ukrainians, Moldovanian, Jobs without language, Accommodation
Workplace: 63-233 Jaraczewo
Company activity: Fish factory
Rate: 13 zlotys per hour on hand
Schedule: 2 shifts, 6-14, 14-22 + overtime. Mon-Fri + Saturday. 20 minutes break on an 8-hour working day, 40 minutes break on a 12-hour working day
Hours: 250-300 hours of work per month
Responsibilities: Work on fish processing, frying fish, making fish rolls, skinning, packing, working with a knife </ p >
Housing: Free. House 3-4 people in the room.
Directions to work as an official bus at the expense of the employer
Work clothes: Free
Food: If the work is more than 8 hours a day, the employee receives 1 lunch at the expense of the employer
Optional: Temperature at the enterprise 10-12 hours