Salary from 12 zł /h.
Visa, Biometrics, for Belarusians, for CIS citizens, For Women, For Men, for Russians, for Ukrainians, Moldovanian, Jobs without language, Accommodation
Workplace: Radom
Company activity: Production of small metal products (rods, wire, etc.)
Rate: 12 zlotys per hour on hand
Hours: 250-30 hours of work per month. 1 shift 6-18. Mon-Sat.
Responsibilities: – maintenance of the machine (insert an element, press buttons, extend the element)
– packaging of parts – simple manual work
Easy work. Small-sized elements. Work sedentary and standing mixed up
Housing: Free (right next to work)
Work clothes: Free
Optional: Temperature is 15-20 degrees Celsius.
There are photos from the place of work