Salary from 13,50 to 15,20 zł /h.
Workplace: Żabia Wola (40 km from Warsaw)
Company activity: Wholesale logistics warehouse for food products
Rate: Overfulfill: 15.20 zlotys per hour on hand
Very good productivity: PLN 14.40 per hour on hand
Good productivity: 13.50 PLN per hour on hand
Schedule: Mon-Fri Getting started with 7/8/9 work for 10-12 hours a day. 250-300 hours of work per month. 2 shifts
Responsibilities: Collection of orders, based on the printed order, the employee collects products (meat, vegetables, dairy products). From Euro pallets they take product packaging and complete ready-made orders. Work with an electric trolley. No need to have a certificate for it
Requirements: Experience is optional
Housing: Up to 600 zł per month, depending on the apartment / house and energy / water consumption
Work clothes: Only work shoes are free. You must have your own warm clothes
Food: On holidays, they receive bonuses of 400 zloty
Optional: Receive 20 zloty bonds for coffee from the machine. Free fruit for workers every Friday. There is a dining room. Temperature at the enterprise from 0 to 8 degrees Celsius