Работник на рыбе в Польше фото

Handyman (fish fillet)

Location of work: Bydgoszcz, KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE Salary: PLN 14.35 per hour on hands, PLN 15.02 per hour on hands (above the…

Фото работа электриком в Польше

Electrician in Germany

Place of work: Munich, Berlin We need electrician workers with experience. Payment:piece-rate by agreement (after reading the terms of reference) or…

Работа каменщиком в Германии фото

Mason builder to Germany

Place of work: Germany, Dusseldorf We need mason workers with experience. Requirements: preferably a work visa, an EU passport, etc.,…

Строитель-универсал в Германии фото

Universal builder in Germany.

Place of work: Germany ALWAYS a highly paid job for good generalist construction professionals in Germany! Click on “Submit Application”…